Chain of Command

Vivian Bosworth, DoDEA employees official photo.

Ms. Vivian Bosworth

OPC 561 Box 18
MCAS Iwakuni
FPO, AP 96310-9001
United States


School Contacts

Name Position Phone
Karen Altig Cafeteria School Meals Program DSN 315-253-6735
Amy Beck Information Specialist 0827-79-3327
Traci Crites School Webmaster updates and corrections to school web pages 0827-79-3327
Erin Gerry School Counselor 0827-79-3327
Rose Jimenez Secretary Check in visitors, check out visitors, answer questions. 0827-79-3327
Vanhnaxay Ongkeko Registrar New student registration, withdrawals, contact information, record updates 0827-79-3327
Vanhnaxay Ongkeko Attendance Please call or email to let the school know of absences or tardies. 0827-79-3327
Brooke Schroeder School Psychologist 0827-79-3327
Student Transportation Transportation 0827-79-2034
Adriana Vanbianchi School Nurse/Health Aide Heath care of the students 0827-79-5903

School Hours

Tuesdays are Early Release days

  Regular Hours Tuesday Hours
Office Hours 0735 - 1535 0730 - 1530
School Hours 0755 - 1435 0755 - 1330
Lunch Hours    
Pre-K 10:30-11:00 10:30-11:00
- Kindergarten 1040 - 1105 1040 1105
- 1st Grade 1120 - 1145 1120 - 1145
- 2nd Grade 1200 - 1225 1200 - 1225

Arrival Dismissal Procedures

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